a showcase for fixed bayonet toy and model soldiers but one that includes a lot of other stuff
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
During the first half of the 1500s, Africa became a focus of European attention as it had not been since the time of the Roman Empire. The European thirst for new markets drove a consolidation of the trading routes established by Portuguese explorers in the late 1490s along the coasts of Africa and into the Indian Ocean. At the same time, the expansion of the Ottoman Empire in North Africa brought the Turks into military and political conflict with European interests. These elements, along with the importation of captured Africans as slaves, primarily from West Africa, increasingly supplanting the trade of slaves of Slavic origin, resulted in an increased African presence in Europe.
Authenticast Rostov Sul Don
After concluding the Battle of Kiev in September 1941, the German Army Group South advanced from the Dniepr to the Sea of Azov coast. Walther von Reichenau's 6th Army captured Kharkov. Carl-Heinrich von Stülpnagel's 17th Army marched through Poltava towards Voroshilovgrad. Erich von Manstein's 11th Army moved into the Crimea and had taken control of all of the peninsula by autumn (except Sevastopol, which held out until 3 July 1942).

Ewald von Kleist's 1st Panzer Army advanced from Kiev, and encircled Soviet troops at Melitopol in October, then attacked east along the shore of the Sea of Azov toward Rostov at the mouth of the Don river, known as the gateway to the Caucasus.

Sea of Azov offensive Operation
Rostov was assigned as the objective for the 11th Army now commanded by General von Schobert(below), however he died in a crash on the same day after landing his liaison Fieseler Storch aircraft in a minefield. To replace him, General of Infantry von Manstein was ordered to travel from the Leningrad sector of the front to the extreme southern sector. He would also receive support from the 4th Luftwaffe Air Fleet.
At this time the LIVth Army Corps of the 11th Army was still engaged in Crimea, and because the Romanian forces were still engaged in the Siege of Odessa, the Army's resources for the Rostov objective were severely limited even against retreating Red Army troops. Therefore initially von Manstein replaced the LIV Corps with the smaller XXXth Army Corps and XLIXth Mountain Corps, and ordered the LIV Corps into the first echelon in the advance to Rostov.
Late in September the 3rd Romanian Army joined the 11th Army in its advance towards Rostov, but was severely depleted by the attacks of the Soviet 9th and 18th Armies on the 26th of September. This forced a halt to the Army's advance to safeguard its flank, and forced von Manstein to use his only mobile reserve unit, the Leibstandarte Brigade to shore up Romanian defenses.
Rostov Defensive Operation
The Soviet counter-attack delivered as part of the general Donbass-Rostov Strategic Defensive Operation (29 September 1941 - 16 November 1941) also forced the Army Group Commander to order his 1st Panzer Army to manoeuvre in order to be better placed to counter any further Soviet thrusts in the Romanian sector of the front, and also to attempt an encirclement of the two Soviet Armies, which was partly successful in the area of Chernigovka where the commander of the 18th Soviet Army General-Lieutenant Smirnov was killed during the breakout attempt[3] between 5 and 10 October 1941. This was interpreted by Hitler as such a success that he declared "The battle of the Sea of Azov is over." on the 11 October before the troops had even reached their objective. As a commemorative gesture, Hitler issued the order to redesignate the Leibstandarte Brigade as 1st SS Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler.
The German 11th Army was ordered back to Crimea to effect the breakthrough of the Isthmus of Perekop.
Perceiving that the way to Rostov and the Caucasus was open, Hitler issued an order transferring the objective from the 11th Army to the 1st Panzer Army and attaching to it ill prepared Romanian 3rd Army, the Italian Alpine Corps, and the Slovakian Motorised Brigade.
During the subsequent reorganisation of Axis forces the 3rd Panzer Corps and 14th Panzer Corps took the lead, supported by the XLIX Mountain Corps recently arrived from Crimea.
By the 17th October 1941 the Mius river was crossed by the 14th Panzer Division and Taganrog was captured by German troops, with the mountain troops entering Stalino, forcing the newly formed 12th Army into a renewed withdrawal. However the Red Army was at this stage fortunate in that the Autumn rains had begun, and the infamous Rasputitsa had set in slowing the 1st Panzer Army's advance to "meter by meter". This meant that the leading German units did not reach the outskirts of Rostov until mid-November, having lost contact with the Red Army in the meantime.
The assault on Rostov began on the 17 November, and on 21 November the Germans took Rostov. However, the German lines were over-extended, and von Kleist's warnings that his left flank was vulnerable and that his tanks were ineffective in the freezing weather were ignored.
Rostov Offensive Operation
On 27 November the Soviet 37th Army, commanded by Lieutenant-General Anton Ivanovich Lopatin, as part of the Rostov Strategic Offensive Operation (17 November 1941 - 2 December 1941), counter-attacked the 1st Panzer Army's spearhead from the north, forcing them to pull out of the city. Adolf Hitler countermanded the retreat. When von Rundstedt refused to obey, Hitler sacked him. However, retreat was unavoidable, and the 1st Panzer Army was forced back to the Mius River at Taganrog. It was the first significant German withdrawal of the war.

Hitler's insistence on taking Rostov forced the OKH to focus on Army Group South's progress, and set the stage for the subsequent Battle of Stalingrad.
The Battles for Rostov in fiction
Stuart M. Kaminsky's character Porfiry Petrovich Rostnikov fought in the at Rostov as a young man. He took out a German tank with a grenade and a lucky burst of gunfire from a looted German machine pistol, but was badly wounded. A doctor saved his leg, but the leg was badly injured enough to give Rostnikov his trademark limp.

The first mission in the game Men of War takes place during the closing days of the Battle of Rostov.
Monday, 21 February 2011
Sunday, 13 February 2011
cameras for photographing soldiers

great super macro and costs bout 134 pounds. go for this.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Christan Morales said her son just wanted to honor American troops when he wore a hat to school decorated with an American flag and small plastic Army figures.This idea (or from their own reasons)of honouring Soldiers who through their own will or reason decide to fight for their country is one which is totally wrong.If its right then we should think that all the Nazi criminals especially the small ones like prison guards at concentration camps did so because they honoured their country, frankly its total bullshit.

If you decide to fight for your country it is basically nothing to do with upholding the rights of the country you live in. If you are the average citizen fighting in a war at the moment then you are there fighting for some rich capitalist, you can't find one of their sons in the front line. What could be more ridiculous than you upholding the profits of some rich fat arse capitalist?
America has seen that the average citizen is totally expendable just look at Detroit or New Orleans. Detroit is more or less a ghost town where a 10 room villa (if they haven't torn all the pipes out is yours for a pittance)
. Some parent sent his kid to school with a silly fucking hat to make a point, what point? No point.

“But the school banned the hat because it ran afoul of the district's zero-tolerance weapons policy. Why? The toy soldiers were carrying tiny guns.Maybe but everyone knows that most schools are merely trying to stem the lack of logic from sick minds. In this case ignoring the kid would have been better.

“ ‘His teacher called and said it wasn't appropriate,’ Morales said.It wasn't the end of the world if a kid wears a hat decorated with toy soldiers. What is the real case is that the parents have just mugged themselves showing their total ignorance and it should have been left at that.
“Morales' 8-year-old son, David, had been assigned to make a hat for the day when his second-grade class would meet their pen pals from another school. She and her son came up with an idea to add patriotic decorations to a camouflage hat.The teachers asked for a hat and they got one, problem? =no problem , the teachers fouled up because they wouldn't accept another point of view.However stupid and this idea was stupid.
“Earlier this week, after the hat was banned, the principal at the Tiogue School in Coventry told the family that the hat would be fine if David replaced the Army men holding weapons with ones that didn't have any, according to Superintendent Kenneth R. Di Pietro.
“But, Morales said, the family had only one Army figure without a weapon (he was carrying binoculars), so David wore a plain baseball cap on the day of the pen pal meeting.
“ ‘Nothing was being done to limit patriotism, creativity, other than find an alternative to a weapon,’ Di Pietro said.”
The people who run this school ought to be fired. And they ought to be banned from ever teaching again.Just because of this episode? Not really, they should be given some lessons in logic.
What exactly does this episode teach the kids?
It doesn’t teach them about history or about guns or about patriotism.It teaches them about arseholes who think that unjust war is about patriotism. I'm a patriot but I'm also not a mug. Theres no way I'd fight for people like Tony Blair or Bush in a war thats about profit. Remember kerry saying invading Afghanistan after the twin towers was like invading Mexico. The logic was that
It teaches them the same lesson that kids learned from “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.”
It teaches them that grown-ups are really, really, really stupid.Yeah the parents of the kid.
Any fool knows that little toy soldiers that have little toy guns are only a threat to little babies and dogs who might decide to eat them. No they are also a threat to any arsehole who uses them to stress a pont thats Monty Pythonesque in the extreme
Any fool except for Kenneth R. Di Pietro.Yah but also the Dad and Mom of the kid
This kind of bureaucratic nonsense drives me crazy and makes me fear for the future of this country. Your country has no real future unless you change the idea that growth and profit are everything.
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Friday, 4 February 2011
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